Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Shred Sled Society.

We fired a couple of questions over to the good guys at the Shred Sled Society based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

OK, so what's the Shred Sled Society all about?
We're four guys. Bo, Simon, Mikkel and Mathias. We all grew up skateboarding and snowboarding in the winter. Simon and Mikkel are working to become cabinetmakers and Bo and Mathias work with graphics.

We've been surfing for some years now trying to make the most out of the sloppy Danish conditions. We’ve been riding all kinds of different surfboards and recently started experimenting with our own shapes. The Shred Sled Society is all about having fun, being creative and making the most out of what we've got. We find that to exist as surfers in Denmark means adapting, it’s quite a different picture to the one the international surf media portrays. We show what being a surfer means to us.

Nice, favourite North Sea surf spot?
Agger, Thy and Plantagen, Zealand, Denmark.

What are you guys riding right now?
Boards that go well with our small windblown waves. Pretty much everything from 4’8" mini-Simmons to quads, thrusters, single fin discs and logs. It's all fun.

Sum up surfing in Denmark in three words?
Strange, Fun, Addictive

Go check ‘em out at... shredsledsociety.com

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