Tuesday 24 November 2009


I was gonna write a update on the upcoming forecast for the North East, but Dave over at the Numbskulls blog writes it far better than I ever could so I nicked it.

The nothing-ness is hooning past my window at 35mph. Seems my calls are being answered at long last and there's a swell on the horizon. Could be a winner too if only the weather would stop being a complete fruitbat and offer some restraint. We've had nothing but hilariously high winds and rain for what seems like an eon. "Wind is good" you say, "we need wind", well yeeeaah, but only when it generates surf. The variety we've had to endure for the last thousandmillion years has been of the south western(ish) variety, which equals flatsville here on the Yorkshire coast. Well, flat enough to not really register that 'Swelly's in town'. So, fingers crossed, you might be gettin' wet this weekend, if not before.


At time of typing, it looks like this:
Friday: Nah

Saturday: 3-4ft@11 seconds.
Hmmm, not bad, and you'd be right, wind's looking a bit funky though, keep an eye on it.

Sunday: 4-6ft@10 seconds, 15mph offshores.
HHHHE-llo. Think I might even throw the 6'3" in the van!

Monday: 4ft+@8seconds, but crazy-ass WNW-NW windage


Don't get too excited though—it's all subject to change—and probably will—so don't come crying to me like a pansy-ass if it sucks balls. Enjoy.

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